Sunday, July 31, 2011

Monthly Gift!

Wonder whats going to be for monthly gift if you have any ideas comment! I think we are getting are own plushie machine xD if not then Non member glove just kidding lolz well i hope they come out though.But if you have any ideas on what the next Monthy Gift is going to be please tell me on Aj or On here! Jam On!


New Pets With New Rares!

Pet Wash

I Know This Is Late -.- But , PET WASH IS HERE!!Check It Out ,  If Your A Member Ofcourse .!


Update!!!!!!!!!! OMG For Glitches Ofcourse!I Was Just Playing Until This Popped Up!


These Are Some Gloves That My Friends Have I Got Some Not All Colors Of The Picture , I Have Cream And Not Trading It!But Are They Coming BACK!

New Animals For Members

And iI Think Rhinos Are More Popular.
Hehehehe Elephants Are Very Popular I Think xP.

Offline Animal Jam!

I Hate It When They Do This... -.- But I Hear They Fix The Glitches When Its Offline :D

Monthly Gift

I Got This Right When I Joined :D  I Got A Pink Spikey Neckalace D: Eww Pink xP

Rares Are Rares.

Well everyone is obssessed with RARES ok so what , there RARES they come back no matter what like non member bat wings , non member cat hat , and non member horns , They come back in halloween , so dont be greedy if you have those items they come back everything always come back!So don't scam these things there not worth it!! Well thats all. JAM ON!!

First Post xP

Hey Guys Its Me Chief BraveRuler! I've Been Playing This Game For Over 1 Year And  It's Super Fun!